offering bespoke adventures in the greater San Diego area and beyond
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This is 61 (almost)

It’s January birthday month and time to celebrate another year round the sun. 60 was a good year, a busy year, filled with much travel. The majority of my trips were to Honolulu where I helped my siblings and extended family care for our nonagenarian parents.

It can be tiring traveling back and forth from the mainland to Hawaii, then care-giving once there. But I’m glad to have the energy to do so and be of service.

Though it’s time away from J., I value time spent with my parents, siblings and extended family. J. has been most supportive!

It’s a time to slow down and be present. Also a time to think about how to self-care now so I might age with strength and grace.

There was a fun planksgiving challenge last year at the yoga studio. I managed to hold my body weight with reasonably good form for a long time and placed second. A goal this year and into the future is to incorporate more strength training into the daily routine. A gift for my future nonagenarian (hopefully) self.