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Always Up for a Challenge

Another year, another bingo challenge or more specifically - yoga bingo. Here’s how it went down.

Every year the studio where I practice offers various fun challenges with the potential to win prizes at the end. The Spring into Summer challenge was a bingo game with squares tied to different yoga classes or personal actions to take. I guess I took this particular challenge to heart and worked exceptionallly hard to complete it. All in fun, of course.

I started the bingo challenge while away from the studio as I was in Hawaii to help care for my parents while mom convalesced after surgery. Fortunately there were squares that could be completed that didn’t require me to take specific classes.

I got into the rhythm of posting on my instagram the squares that were completed such as a “post-workout selfie from home”, “check in on a friend”, “write down what you’re thankful for”. You get the idea.

Once I returned to studio practice, I worked hard to juggle my schedule to take classes “new” to me such as TRX, Yoga 101, and Y6 Mix. Just to check off the squares.

In the end, I completed all but two squares - “Take a Sculpt and Flow Class” and “Bring a new friend to class for free”. My new friend was out of town doing something fun in Mammoth and wouldn’t be back in time to take a class together. Since that wasn’t going to happen, I didn’t try extra hard to fit in a Sculpt and Flow class; moving quickly with weights is not my jam.

I am happy that my last square for bingo was the more simple “Bring a friend to class for free” and I got to practice and visit afterwards with Rochelle as we don’t get to practice together nowadays.

With 7 of 12 possible bingos completed, I had 7 raffle entries for prizes. With that, I won two raffle prizes! Hard work (fun work) pays off :-)

Bingo raffle prize