When you happen to be near Detroit and have a small window of free time to archi-tour, where to go? I chose to walk the campus of Wayne State University to view the Minoru Yamasaki buildings.
Read MoreRichard Serra’s large scale works, many site-specific, resonate with many as they invite the viewer to experience by movement through the works.
Here are some that I have appreciated, the ones closer to home, more than once.
Read MoreRecently I undertook my very first cruise with J., a veteran of such travel. It was a test of sorts to see how I would take to it. If I enjoyed it, then we might go on longer cruises in the future.
Read MoreIt’s been a busy travel year, domestic and overseas - Reno, Hawai’i, Dublin, Portugal and the Caribbean. And of course, the usual meanderings in SoCal - LA, Orange County, San Diego and Santa Barbara.
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