offering bespoke adventures in the greater San Diego area and beyond
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Recent South Pasadena Adventures

When I first moved to Pasadena, I thought South Pasadena was just that - the southern part of Pasadena. I learned that it is an independent ciy, incorporated in 1888. It has a small town center with coffee houses and other businesses near the light rail station. There is a hilltop water tower that can be seen from several miles away which I use as a landmark to orient myself when wandering the residential neighborhoods nearby.

Recently I have been running and exploring the neighborhoods in South Pasadena, finding cool architecture and the occasional peacock. More about the feral peacocks later. But first, the architecture.

The homes built in the neighborhood surrounding the water tower were built mid-century and later. Homes built on hills are generally interesting as the lots can be architecturally challenging. If the roads are narrow, speed limits low, like 10 mph, and often no parking allowed, then I know there will be surprises, often around the corner. Usually, I can only view the garages as the homes may built down into the hillside or provided privacy by tall hedges. But even the garages are thoughtful and unique.

Many residences in the area near the water tower remind me of homes in Hawaii, my home state, with carports, use of breeze block and landscape plants with tropical foliage or flowers such as plumeria and an occasional mango tree.

During this pandemic, I have stayed relatively close to home and this is one of a couple residences by R. M. Schindler, an important architect, near Pasadena. Grokowsky House (image above) was built in 1928. Note, how modern it would have looked at the time. The light pink of the stucco and the dark red of the garage door retain’s Schindler’s original color scheme.

As a runner, I am used to seeing pet dogs walked by their owners and the occasional house cat in home windows, but spotting peacocks casually roaming the neighborhood was a pleasant surprise. The first sighting of a family or group of 5 was from across the street. About 20 minutes later on another street, I happened to walk right up to a pair. One was kind enough to fan his tail. I later googled and found articles about the feral peacocks in South Pasadena and other LA county cities such as the one here. I’ll be on the lookout for peacocks the next time in South Pasadena :)