offering bespoke adventures in the greater San Diego area and beyond
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Posts in everyday life
More Random Thoughts on Running

The other day someone asked if I had ever run a marathon and I answered that I had run 17, although it’s been awhile. That got me to thinking if I had really run that many as in my head I couldn’t name them all.

Today, while wearing my favorite Chicago Marathon race shirt someone asked me if I ran it. I replied “Yes, in 2017” after looking down my shirt for the year.

So, I thought it time for another post with random thoughts on running.

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Back to School 2023

With Labor Day just past and fall around the corner, I thought it timely to do a back-to-school post. Though I am long past a formal student on campus, I still make it a point to stay engaged in self-learning and personal growth. Still a lot of reading, writing and though not much arithmetic, I substitute creating and curating instead.

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Showing Up for Yourself, Showing Up for Others

I am just back from 3 weeks in Hawaii where I helped the rest of the family there care for my parents who are going through some health issues as they age. It’s heartening to know that if you’re lucky your parents will live long lives and you can help them navigate through the aging process. It’s also heartening to know that others who have gone through this before you, know how difficult it can be.

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